[Bioperl-pipeline] Hi, there! Just ignore this message.

Sang Chul Choi goshng at hanafos.com
Wed Mar 12 18:03:18 EST 2003

Dear Pipeline Developers!

When I met bioperl-pipeline, it was thought to be what I wanted for my current project.
Pipeline almost automatically processes sequences into various other outputs.
Pipeline, its name literally explained what it will do for me.

Great! Just great! 

After a long investigation into biopipe source, I have fallen into deep depression.
Is it difficult for me to understand biopipe? Yes, it was and is. Maybe it will be.

Database schema, database adaptor classes, various core classes such as Job, 
Input, Manager, ...

My last door to understanding of biopipe is:
"How does RunnableDB work?"
It involves RunnableI, RunnableI derived classes (DataMonger, RepeatMasker, Blast), 
again Job, Input,...

Plus, I don't know what rule of jobs mean: COPY_ID, COPY_INPUT, CREATE_INPUT (not implemented yet),

I am very tired with these pipeline sources. I want to just give up.

But, I will NOT do that, because pipeline has wonderful functionalities.

Sincerely yours, 

good night!

Sang Chul Choi

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