[Bioperl-pipeline] Re: biopipe questions

J.W. Bizzaro jeff at bioinformatics.org
Wed Feb 19 12:22:15 EST 2003

Okay, I'm on the list now.

Elia Stupka wrote:
>6. Execute the pipeline (send the pipeline XML to the program that runs it)
> In a real life scenario this part gets hairy because the pipeline server
> is often residing on a different more secure network segment that does not
> NFS share any space with the web servers. For this we have been thinking
> that it would be best to have a simple client-server system that would
> send the XML and tell the server to start the pipeline.

I wonder if it may be simplest to handle pipeline XML submission (from 
the front-end to BioPipe) via e-mail.  The front-end (or any user) would 
simply mail in the XML.  And on BioPipe's end, users can be identified 
by their e-mail address, which is where the results are sent.  Most 
CGI-based bioinformatic programs that I know of handle jobs this way.

It's not fancy but it would work.

J.W. Bizzaro                                jeff at bioinformatics.org
President, Bioinformatics.Org       http://bioinformatics.org/~jeff
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