[Bioperl-l] Bb-utils

George Hartzell hartzell at alerce.com
Sat Dec 13 21:11:34 UTC 2014

Fields, Christopher J writes:
 > Hi Weigang,
 > I wonder whether it would be better to have a separate bputils repo
 > in the BioPerl space.  This would allow development to continue w/o
 > tying it directly to a release, and I think would solve the
 > exposure problem much more so than having it included in the main
 > bioperl-live repo.  We could also feasibly include it as part of
 > the main CPAN bioperl release, maybe by simply linking to it as a
 > git submodule and packaging it up. 
 > [...]

Given how hard you've been working to break things out of the core and
keep orphan things that *are* in core working, I'd suggest that there
would have to be a really pressing technical reason (and longterm
support commitment) to include the the main CPAN release.

Seems *way* cleaner to wrap it up into it's own CPAN release, give it
a good, evocative name, and make sure the distribution is well built
(correct meta info, dependencies, etc...).

Then it'll be easy to find, easy to install and will not increase the
support burden of the core (or complicate the ongoing cleanup).

Errr, wait.  Someone *did* ask what I thought, didn't they? :)


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