[Bioperl-l] FW: Pal2Nal problem

Sun, Xinli xinli.sun at sdstate.edu
Thu Apr 14 19:52:16 EDT 2011

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a Perl beginner, and am using the Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::Pal2Nal module to get the nucleotide sequences based on an alignment of their translations for PAML-yn00. However, I meet some problems, and send my codes and error report to you, and expect to get your help. The errors usually occur at the input of the DNA sequences and the output of the result. I am not sure for these.

Do you have some examples with the sequence input and output for the Pal2Nal module? If yes, I hope to imitate your codes.

Thanks a lot,

Xinli Sun. Ph. D.

Plant Science Department
South Dakota State University
SNP 211, Box 2140C
Brookings, SD 57007
605-688-4984 (lab)
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