[Bioperl-l] Cloning Bio::Search::Result::GenericResult

Remi remi.planel at free.fr
Fri May 28 12:17:01 UTC 2010

You're right, it's not working there is some missing fields ...

Actually, I'm writing a script that filter Result Object based on some 
criteria and I want the script to be kind of interactive like :

-Display Result object as HTML
-Ask for filter criteria
-Filter Result object
-Display filtered Result object as HTML.
... etc

And I would like to make a copy of the Result object before each 
filtering step in order to be able to redo it.

I'll have a look to the modules you've mentioned, thanks.

Dave Messina wrote:
> Hi Rémi,
> As far as I know, cloning objects is not natively supported in BioPerl (or Perl itself, for that matter).
> So I don't think the code you showed will work.
> However, there are modules such as Clone::More and Clone::Fast that can do it.
> http://search.cpan.org/~wazzuteke/Clone-More-0.90.2/lib/Clone/More.pm
> http://search.cpan.org/~wazzuteke/Clone-Fast-0.93/lib/Clone/Fast.pm
> Out of curiosity, what are you trying to do with the cloned objects? Someone might be able to suggest another way to accomplish the same goal.
> Dave

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