[Bioperl-l] move ancient branches to attic

Hilmar Lapp hlapp at drycafe.net
Fri May 14 13:56:48 UTC 2010

On May 14, 2010, at 9:32 AM, Jay Hannah wrote:

> You don't find large lists of probably dead things annoying?

Not if they're not in the way of my executing my workflow effectively.  
Keeping a room super-tidy that you don't ever live in is a waste of  

As an analogy, Google Mail keeps all your dead email (email you  
delete). Forever. Not because they think most of what you delete you  
shouldn't have deleted, but because it costs so little, and can be so  
efficiently managed for the few things that you do decide to recover a  
year later that it's not worth for you as a user to spend any brain  
cycles on which emails you should physically delete and which you  
should only "archive".

Likewise, I don't see the gain that outweighs the brain cycles and  
careful consideration that would have to go into deciding which  
branches to delete, which ones to move into an "attic", and which ones  
to keep around. If you don't want to see them, simply clone and wipe  
them away. Life can be so easy :-)

: Hilmar Lapp -:- Durham, NC -:- hlapp at drycafe dot net :

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