[Bioperl-l] EUtilities pubmed search with [Mesh Terms]

Peng Yu pengyu.ut at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 18:41:28 EDT 2010



The above search returns 2124 entries. I try to use the following
bioperl code to do the search. I got an error (see below). Could
anybody let me know how I should modify the bioperl search code to get
the same results?

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::DB::EUtilities;

my $factory = Bio::DB::EUtilities->new(
  -eutil => 'esearch',
  -db => 'pubmed',
  -email => 'mymail at foo.bar',
  -term => 'anoxia[mh] and neoplasms[mh]',
  -retmode => 'xml',
  -retmax => 1000000,

print $factory->get_retmax,"\n";
print $factory->get_Response->content;


$ ./main.pl

--------------------- WARNING ---------------------
MSG: NCBI esearch Errors/Warnings:
Error : PhraseNotFound  [+and+neoplasms[mh]]Warnings : OutputMessage
[No items found.]
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE eSearchResult PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD eSearchResult, 11 May
2002//EN" "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query/DTD/eSearch_020511.dtd">
	</IdList><TranslationSet><Translation>     <From>anoxia[mh]</From>
 <To>"anoxia"[MeSH Terms]</To>
items found.</OutputMessage></WarningList></eSearchResult>


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