[Bioperl-l] Bio module using Moose

Chris Fields cjfields at illinois.edu
Thu Jun 17 09:12:30 EDT 2010


I don't think we could do this for direct inclusion within BioPerl core, due to the heavy load of dependencies Moose carries on top of the ones we already have.  But you have two possible options:

1) I have started a separate project on github that is a full Moose-based BioPerl, which may evolve into a BioPerl 2.0 at some point:


This will eventually move into the bioperl github account, and is probably a better fit.  Not sure what version of Perl you are using, though (we just changed the required version to 5.12, but that could be dropped to 5.10).  

2) Release it on CPAN on it's own, listing BioPerl as a dependency.  That frees you up to do whatever you want with the code. 

Let me know if you want to go with the first one, I can add you to the project.


On Jun 17, 2010, at 6:49 AM, Emmanuel Quevillon wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I developed some new modules for BioPerl under Bio::Restriction.
> However, I used Moose to help me out writing code.
> Do you think I could submit these modules to BioPerl to be later
> integrated, hopefully, the way they are written (with Moose dependency)?
> Cheers
> -- 
> -------------------------
> Emmanuel Quevillon
> Biological Software and Databases Group
> Institut Pasteur
> +33 1 44 38 95 98
> tuco at_ pasteur dot fr
> -------------------------
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