[Bioperl-l] How to parse BLAST output - all hits of each query in new file

Smithies, Russell Russell.Smithies at agresearch.co.nz
Wed Nov 25 14:07:26 EST 2009

Hi Tim,
Here's some code for a job I'm working on at the moment that contains all the bits you'll probably need.
It's extracting 2 species-specific databases from nr (based on tax ids), doing a blast, then parsing the results and creating a substitution matrix. I was initially using Bio::DB::Eutilities to query and retrieve sequences but I kept getting errors and time-outs from NCBI when pulling back large numbers of sequences.
It should give you a rough idea of how to run Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast, Bio::DB::Fasta and Bio::SearchIO.

Email me direct if you want further explaination as it's not well commented ;-)

Russell Smithies 

Bioinformatics Applications Developer 
T +64 3 489 9085 
E  russell.smithies at agresearch.co.nz 

Invermay  Research Centre 
Puddle Alley, 
New Zealand 
T  +64 3 489 3809   
F  +64 3 489 9174  



use strict;
use Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast;
use Bio::SeqIO;
use Bio::SearchIO;
use Bio::DB::Fasta;

use Storable;

# Parameters: <query> <subject> <number or percentage of searches>
# Percentage can be specified as either 20p, 20P or 20%
# So for 20% of rice sequences blasted against oil palm:
#    4530 51953 20p   (4530=rice,51953=oil_palm, 20p=20%)
# Or for 20 searches:
#      4530 51953 20
my ( $q, $s, $c ) = @ARGV;

my $nr = "/data/databases/flatfile/illuminati_blastdata/nr";
my $tax_file = "/data/anonftp/pub/mirror/taxonomy/gi_taxid_prot.dmp.gz";
my $tmp = "/tmp/tax";

my %stats      = ();
my $total_subs = 0;

my $min_hsp_len      = 0;
my $min_hsp_identity = 0;
my $num_searches     = $c || 10;
my $blast_e          = '1e-6';
my $count            = 0;

# check if all the fasta and blast files exist
# if not, extract new fasta and re-formatdb the database
foreach my $t ( $q, $s ) {
  foreach ( map { "$tmp/$t.$_" } qw(faa list phr pin psq) ) {
    unless ( -e $_ ) {
      print "Creating database for $t\n";

my @params = (
               -database => "$tmp/$q",
               -program  => 'blastp',
               -e        => $blast_e,
               -outfile  => "$tmp/blast.out",
               -v        => '1',
               -b        => '1'
my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast->new(@params) or die $!;

# load the query sequences into a db
# makes it easier to randomly access them
my $db = Bio::DB::Fasta->new( "$tmp", -glob => "$s.faa", -reindex => 1 );

my @ids      = $db->ids;
my $id_count = $#ids;
exit "No sequences\n" unless $id_count;

# if a percentage is requested, calculate
# the required number of searches
if ( $num_searches =~ m/(\d+)[pP%]/ ) {
  $num_searches = int( ( $1 / 100 ) * $id_count );
"Searching random $1 percent ($num_searches) of $id_count sequences from taxid $q\n";

my $summary_file = "$tmp/".$$."_summary.txt";
open( OUT, ">", $summary_file ) or die $!;
print OUT
"#Summary of $num_searches random blast searches from taxid $q against taxid $s.\n";
print OUT "#Parameters used were:\n";
print OUT "#blast_e: $blast_e\n";
print OUT "#min_hsp_len: $min_hsp_len\n";
print OUT "#min_hsp_identity: $min_hsp_identity\n";
print OUT "\n";

while ( my $seq = $db->get_Seq_by_id( $ids[ rand($#ids) ] ) ) {
  next unless $seq;

  warn "Processing ", $seq->id, "\n";
  eval {
    my $blast_report = $factory->blastall($seq);
    sleep 5;

  my $blast_in = new Bio::SearchIO( -format => "blast", -file => "$tmp/blast.out" );

  while ( my $result = $blast_in->next_result ) {
    if ( $result->num_hits <= 0 ) {
      warn "No hits for ", $result->query_accession, "\n";
      print OUT "No hits for ", $result->query_accession, "\n";
    while ( my $hit = $result->next_hit ) {
      while ( my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp ) {
        warn sprintf( "%s had %s hsp%s\n",
                      $result->query_accession, $hit->num_hsps,
                      $hit->num_hsps > 1 ? "s" : "" );
        print OUT sprintf( "%s had %s hsp%s\n",
                      $result->query_accession, $hit->num_hsps,
                      $hit->num_hsps > 1 ? "s" : "" );

        # http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/HOWTO:SearchIO#Table_of_Methods
        if ( $hsp->length('total') > $min_hsp_len ) {
          if ( $hsp->percent_identity >= $min_hsp_identity ) {
            my @query_string = split '', $hsp->query_string;
            my @homol_string = split '', $hsp->homology_string;
            my @hit_string   = split '', $hsp->hit_string;
            for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#query_string; $i++ ) {
              next unless $homol_string[$i] =~ /\+/;
              $stats{ $query_string[$i] }{ $hit_string[$i] }++;
  unlink '$tmp/blast.out' if -e '$tmp/blast.out';
  last if $count >= $num_searches;

# create summary frequency list
my %summary = ();
for my $query ( keys %stats ) {
  for my $hit ( keys %{ $stats{$query} } ) {
    $summary{"$query->$hit"} =
      sprintf( "%6f", $stats{$query}{$hit} / $total_subs );

print OUT "\n";

# sort by decending frequencies and print to summary file
foreach my $k ( sort { $summary{$b} <=> $summary{$a} } keys %summary ) {
  print OUT "$k\t", $summary{$k}, "\n" unless $k =~ /TOTAL/;

print OUT "\n\n";

# print substitution matrix
my $i     = 0;
my @prots = qw(A R N D C Q E G H I L K M F P S T W Y V);
my $sep   = "\t";

print OUT sprintf( "%7s %s", $_, $sep ) foreach ( "       ", @prots );
print OUT "\n";

foreach my $x (@prots) {
  print OUT sprintf( "%7s|%s", $prots[ $i++ ], $sep );
  foreach my $y (@prots) {
    my $val =
      defined( $stats{$x}{$y} )
      ? sprintf( "%0.6f", $stats{$x}{$y} / $total_subs )
      : "--------";
    print OUT sprintf( "%s%s", $val, $sep );
  print OUT "\n";
close OUT;

open(IN, $summary_file) or die $!;
print $_ while(<IN>);
close IN;

# extract sequences from nr database based on taxid.
sub create_database {
  my $txid      = shift;
  my %hash      = ();
  my $gi_stored = "/tmp/gi.dat";

  if ( -e $gi_stored ) {
    %hash = %{ retrieve($gi_stored) };
  else {
    open( TXID, "zcat $tax_file | " ) or die $!;
    while (<TXID>) {
      my ( $gi, $tx ) = split( "\t", $_ );
      push( @{ $hash{$tx} }, $gi );
    close TXID;

    store( \%hash, $gi_stored );

  my $txlist = "$tmp/$txid.list";
  my $txseq  = "$tmp/$txid.faa";
	die "No sequences found for taxid $txid\n" unless defined( @{ $hash{$txid} });
	my $num_seqs =  scalar( @{ $hash{$txid} });
	warn "Found $num_seqs sequences for taxid $txid in $tax_file\n";

  open OUT, ">", $txlist or die $!;
  print OUT "$_\n" foreach ( @{ $hash{$txid} } );
  close OUT;

  my $cmd = "fastacmd -d $nr -i $txlist -t T -o $txseq 2>/dev/null";
  system $cmd;

  my $count = `grep -c '>' $txseq`;
  $count =~ s/\n//;
	warn "Could only extract $count sequences from $nr\n";

  $cmd = "formatdb -p T -i $tmp/$txid.faa -n $tmp/$txid -l $tmp/formatdb.log";
  system $cmd;

  $cmd = "fastacmd -d $tmp/$txid -I";
  system $cmd;

  warn "Check the formatdb.log for any errors\n";


> -----Original Message-----
> From: bioperl-l-bounces at lists.open-bio.org [mailto:bioperl-l-
> bounces at lists.open-bio.org] On Behalf Of Tim
> Sent: Thursday, 26 November 2009 6:41 a.m.
> To: bioperl-l at lists.open-bio.org
> Subject: [Bioperl-l] How to parse BLAST output - all hits of each query in
> new file
> Dear bioperl users,
> I am a real newbie and have - maybe a very trivial - question.
> I searched the mailing list archive and many howtos but I have not found
> a concrete answer to my problem. So hopefully you can help me :)
> Background: I use the latest Bioperl version (installed it two weeks
> before).
> When I use Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast to BLAST one fasta file
> including different sequences, I get a BLAST output with many queries
> each having several hits / sbjcts.
> My problem is how to parse *all* hits of *one* query into a single new
> file. And this for all the queries I have in my BLAST output file.
> Or is it better the other way round; first to make fasta files with only
> single sequences inside and BLAST each file? But how can I automize that
> using Bioperl?
> I tried Bio::SearchIO but can only parse all queries and their
> respective hits in only one file...
> I think iteration is also necessary here, but I do not really know how
> to include that into Bio::SearchIO.
> Or do I have to use Module:Bio::Index::Blast?
> I can index a file (see below), but I have no idea what comes next...
> ###How I index a file...
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use Bio::Index::Fasta;
> $file_name = "8_to_BLAST_two_seq_index.fasta";
> $id = "48882";
> $inx = Bio::Index::Fasta->new (-filename => $file_name . ".idx",
> -write_flag => 1);
> $inx->make_index($file_name);
> Hopefully, you can give me at least hints what to look for.
> A big THANKS in advance!
> Cheers,
> Tim
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