[Bioperl-l] on BP documentation

Bernd Web bernd.web at gmail.com
Sat Aug 15 07:17:44 EDT 2009


>>  Even SeqIO is hard
>>to figure out now--it took me an hour the other day to figure out that
>>"desc" returns the full Fasta header, and I had to get that from the
>>module code + trial-and-error, instead of the online docs.
I was a bit surprised about $seq->desc retrieving the entire FASTA header line
Actually, in Bioperl 1.52 at least $seq->desc returns the description
only, so without the ID. Thus, to get the entire FASTA header line
$seq->id . " " $seq->desc would be needed.

For the modules I use (mainly related to sequences, such as SeqIO,
SimpleAlign), I'd be happy to contribute on docs, checking docs, or


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