[Bioperl-l] Memory not sufficient when storing human chromosom 1 in BioSQL

Andreas Dräger andreas.draeger at uni-tuebingen.de
Thu Jul 3 11:48:55 UTC 2008

Hi all,

Recently I have successfully installed the latest version of BioPerl and 
BioSQL on my computer, which has 2 GB RAM. Both works fine, but when 
trying to insert the genbank file of the human chromosome 1, which I 
have downloaded from the NCBI website 
(ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/genomes/H_sapiens/CHR_01/hs_ref_chr1.gbk.gz) I 
receive the error message 'Out of memory'. This takes about one hour. My 
question is, how I can insert large genbank files in my BioSQL database 
using BioPerl. I do not know, what to do. Thank you for your help!!!


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