[Bioperl-l] Module to draw transmembrane protein toplogoy

Tim Nugent t.nugent at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Mon Feb 19 17:29:48 UTC 2007

Hi everyone,

I've written a perl module to display transmembrane protein topology 
using GD. There are various options, including labels, helix/loop 
dimensions, colour schemes etc but it only requires a string or array 
containing the protein topology (e.g. transmembrane helix start/stop 
points). It produces output like this:


using the code at the bottom.

Here is a the module:

I've never submitted anything to Bioperl before - is this sort of thing 
likely to be of use to others? I imagine it would sit alongside some of 
the Bio::Graphics stuff.

Best wishes,



use strict;
use warnings;
use lib '/scratch0/NOT_BACKED_UP/tnugent/perl5lib'; ## path to module
use DrawTransmembrane;

my @topology = (20,45,59,70,86,109,145,168,194,220);

my %labels = ('5' => '5 - Sulphation Site',
               '21' => '1st Helix',
               '47' => '40 - Mutation',
               '60' => 'Voltage Sensor',
               '72' => '72 - Mutation 2',
               '73' => '73 - Mutation 3',
               '138' => '138 - Glycosylation Site',
               '170' => '170 - Phosphorylation Site',
               '200' => 'Last Helix');

my $im = DrawTransmembrane->draw_transmembrane(-title => 'This is a
cartoon displaying transmembrane helices.',
                                                -topology => \@topology,
                                                -n_terminal => 'out',
                                                -helix_width => 48,
                                                -helix_height => 125,
                                                -short_loop_limit => 10,
                                                -long_loop_limit => 35,
                                                -loop_width => 25,
                                                -colour_scheme => 'yellow',
                                                -labels => \%labels,
                                                -text_offset => -10);

## print the .png file
my $output = 'test.png';
open(OUTPUT, ">$output");
binmode OUTPUT;
print OUTPUT $im->png;
close OUTPUT;

my $system = `display $output`;

Tim Nugent (MRes)
Research Student
Bioinformatics Unit
Department of Computer Science
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
Tel: 020-7679-0410
t.nugent at ucl.ac.uk

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