[Bioperl-l] Bio::Graphics - Howto Show Negative Start-End and Enable Connector

Wijaya Edward ewijaya at i2r.a-star.edu.sg
Thu Apr 19 13:59:05 UTC 2007

Dear expert,

My figure here: http://defiant.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/~ewijaya/misc/foo2.png <http://defiant.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/%7Eewijaya/misc/foo2.png> 
is created with the script (down below).

How can I modify the script such that:

1. The arrow track is represented in negative form.
   I.e. instead of 1 to 300, we use -300 to 0.

I tried this, but won't do:

my $flen = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(
       -start => -300,
       -end => 0, );

And how can I make these number to appear
for every gridpoints (not just two as I have now).

2. How can I enable the connector with grid just like
  I had in the first panel? (as you can see, my script
  has connector added, but still doesn't show).

All, in all, I am trying to mimic this figure:
http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol31/issue13/images/large/gkg56702.jpeg <http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol31/issue13/images/large/gkg56702.jpeg> 

And here is my script:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use Bio::Graphics;
use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic;
use List::Compare;
use List::Util qw(max);

my %nofseq = ( 0 => 300, 1 => 300, 2 => 300, 3 => 300, 4 => 300, 5 => 300 );
my @seqid = keys %nofseq;
my @lenlist = values %nofseq;
my $maxlen = max (@lenlist);
#print Dumper \@seqid ;

my $panel = Bio::Graphics::Panel->new(
   -length    => 300,
   -width     => 500,
   -pad_left  => 70,
   -pad_right => 70,
   -key_style => 'left',
   -connector => 'solid',

my $flen = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(
       -start => 1,   # tried -300
       -end => 300, # and 0, but failed.

   my $track1 = $panel->add_track(
       -glyph   => 'arrow',
       -tick    => 2,
       -fgcolor => 'black',
       -double  => 1,

my %nlist;

while ( <DATA> ) {
   next if /^\#/;
   my ($sqi,$pos,$str,$progname) = split /\,/;
   my $start = $pos + $nofseq{$sqi};
   my $end = $start + length($str) + 1;
   push @{$nlist{$sqi}}, $start." ".$end." ".$progname;

# Check which sequence has no motifs;
my @bssi = keys %nlist;

my $lc = List::Compare->new(\@seqid, \@bssi);
my @comp = $lc->get_unique;

foreach my $comp ( @comp  ) {
   push @{$nlist{$comp}}, '0'." ".'0'." "."NONE";


my %prog_color = ( "WEEDER" => 3000, "MEME" => 200, "NONE" => 0 );

foreach my $seqid ( sort keys %nlist ) {

   my $track = $panel->add_track(
       -glyph     => 'graded_segments',
       -key       => "SEQ ". $seqid,
       -connector => "dashed"
       -label     => 1,
       -bgcolor   => 'blue',
               -bump      =>  +1,
               -height    =>  8,
       -min_score => 0,
       -max_score => 5000

   foreach my $range ( @{$nlist{$seqid}} ) {

       my ($st,$en,$progname) = split(" ", $range);
       my $dname = " ";
       if ( $st != 0 and $en !=0  ) {
          $dname = "Seq ". $seqid;

       my $score;
       if ( $progname eq "WEEDER" ) {
           $score = $prog_color{$progname};

       elsif ($progname eq "MEME" ) {
           $score = $prog_color{$progname};

       my $feature = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(
           -display_name => $dname,
           -start        => $st,
           -end          => $en,
           -score        => $score




print $panel->png;

#The DATA is simply just list of string and its location in their
respective sequence.
# The figure is just the plot of it out.
# sequence number,pos,binding sites,program

Thanks and hope to hear from you again.



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