[Bioperl-l] test::more template

Sendu Bala bix at sendu.me.uk
Fri Oct 20 10:01:09 UTC 2006

Nathan Haigh wrote:
> Is it really necessary to specify the number of tests that are to be
> conducted in advance? It seems a bit annoying to have to count the
> number of tests in the script or to run the test just to see how many
> tests were done, we could just use:
> use Test::More 'no_plan';

It's very important to have a plan. That way you know all the tests 
actually ran and weren't skipped (either due to an actual SKIP block or 
an if block that returned false due to a bug, or a for/foreach/while 
that didn't loop enough times due to a bug, or any number of other reasons).

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