[Bioperl-l] BLAST running options

Vesselin Baev vebaev at gmail.com
Sat Jul 8 20:59:40 UTC 2006

I'm parsing Blast results, but I need an Blast option to limit limit and 
decrease the Blast number of results.
I'm blasting an oligo about 40nt and I need only results which are with 
mismatches (not more than 10) or exactly matching but in the length as 
the query - 40.
I do not want all the big amount of results that blast gave me about 
shorter matching.

Do anyone knows what king of BLAST option to use?


University of Plovdiv
Faculty of Biology
Dept. Molecular Biology and Plant Physiology
Tzar Asen 24
Plovdiv 4000, BULGARIA
vebaev at gmail.com

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