Fwd: Re: [Bioperl-l] blast doesn't work

Anders Stegmann anst at kvl.dk
Wed Dec 21 07:12:10 EST 2005

>>>Torsten Seemann <torsten.seemann at infotech.monash.edu.au> 12/21/05 11:25 am >>>

>futhermore perl bptutorial.pl 23 returns:
>Beginning run_standaloneblast example...
>blastall program not found. Skipping StandAloneBlast example
>I have tried to install it all again (Bundle + Bioperl) manually and set the enviroment variable like:
>export BLASTDIR=/usr/local/blast

Does your BLASTDIR actually contain the 'blastall' binary?

In my installation I have to do:
export BLASTDIR=/usr/local/ncbi_blast/bin

Also, to run test 23 in bptutorial you have to run it from a directory
with a ./t/data/ subdirectory. This is in CVS bioperl-live and the
orginal tar.gz distribution.

Torsten Seemann
Victorian Bioinformatics Consortium, Monash University, Australia

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