[Bioperl-l] New item for Briefings in bioinformatics?

Eitan Rubin ERubin at CGR.Harvard.edu
Fri Dec 3 09:59:25 EST 2004



I find the progress of the BioPerl very exciting, and would like to include
a news item in the next column I am editing for Briefings in Bioinformatics.
Would anyone who is familiar with the recent progress in Bioperl be willing
to write a short (500-2000) words news item? While this is not a
peer-reviewed publication, the abstract of the new items go into pub-med.


  Eitan Rubin



Eitan Rubin, PhD

News Column Editor, Briefings in Bioinformatics


Head of Bioinformatics

The Bauer Center for Genomics Research

Harvard University

Tel: 617-496-5649 Fax: 617-495-2196


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