[Bioperl-l] RelationshipI has no distance

Chris Mungall cjm at fruitfly.org
Tue Mar 18 21:06:19 EST 2003

seperate - PathI inherits from RelationshipI

On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Hilmar Lapp wrote:

> There is no distance attribute on Ontology::RelationshipI, i.e., it
> basically represents pairs of terms connected by an arc, not pairs of
> terms connected by a path.
> Should we extend it to represent paths too, or is it better to have a
> separate interface + object for the path?
> Ewan, I'm afraid this better goes into 1.2.1 too ... sorry about this,
> but once we have votes, this is implemented very quickly, since there's
> not much meat in there.
> 	-hilmar

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