[Bioperl-l] Bio::SeachIO::Fasta problem

Jason Stajich jason at cgt.duhs.duke.edu
Mon Aug 25 13:52:42 EDT 2003

Martin - it's tested on FASTA 3.4 and some versions of 3.3.  It can parse
the -m 9 tabluar output as well as standard default output (with or
without Histograms).

Personally I would just use the latest distribution:

It has not been tested with the GCG-ized FASTA and as you report it
doesn't seem to work. I took the liberty of posting a bug report for you
with an example report as this is the type of information needed for
someone to diagnose a problem.

I don't know that fixing this will get a priority given that it is pretty
easy to install and run FASTA directly from Bill's distro and we can parse
that output just fine.


On Mon, 25 Aug 2003, Martin A. Hansen wrote:

> hi
> im trying to parse fasta search reports with Bio::SeachIO. however, i get this
> warning message:
> maasha at homer:~/bin$ parse_fasta btg1.fasta
> -------------------- WARNING ---------------------
> MSG: unrecognized FASTA Family report file!
> ---------------------------------------------------
> this indicates that there might be something wrong with the fasta report file,
> but im not sure what that could be. im i supposed to run a certain version of
> fasta? and with a certain set of options? e.g. i have noticed that running
> fasta from the wisconsin packages (GCG) outputs a double dot (..) between the
> introtext and the data:
> The best scores are:                    init1 initn   opt    z-sc E(7402)..
> whereas running "normal" fasta does not produce the double dot?
> and to really twist the fork i am failing in identifying the different fasta
> versions :/
> anyways, here is the snippet of code im using to parse:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use Bio::SearchIO;
> my ( $script, $usage, $file );
> $script = ( split "/", $0 )[ -1 ];
> $usage = qq(
> $script by Martin A. Hansen, August 2003.
> $script parses a FASTA report file
> Usage: $script [file]
>                [file]       - file with fasta report
> );
> print $usage and exit if not @ARGV;
> $file = shift @ARGV;
> # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MAIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> my ( $lines );
> $lines = &parse_fasta( $file );
> print "$_\n" foreach @{ $lines };
> exit;
> # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SUBROUTINES <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> sub parse_fasta
> {
>     # Martin A. Hansen, August 2003.
>     # parses blast reports using Bioperl
>     my ( $file,   # file with blast report
>        ) = @_;
>     # returns list of sequence lines
>     my ( $result, $hit, $hit_name, $searchio, $white_space, $query_beg, $hsp, $hit_string, @lines, $query_string, $query_name );
>     $searchio = new Bio::SearchIO ( -format => 'fasta', -file => $file );
>     $result   = $searchio->next_result;
>     while ( $hit = $result->next_hit )
>     {
>         $query_name   = $result->query_name;
>         $hit_name     = $hit->name;
>         $hsp          = $hit->next_hsp;
>         $query_string = $hsp->query_string;
>         $query_beg    = $hsp->query->start;
>         $hit_string   = $hsp->hit_string;
>         $white_space  = ' ' x ( $query_beg - 1 );
>         push @lines, {
>                        "QUERY_NAME"     => $query_name,
>                        "QUERY_STRING"   => $white_space . $query_string,
>                        "SUBJECT_NAME"   => $hit_name,
>                        "SUBJECT_STRING" => $white_space . $hit_string,
>         }
>     }
>     return wantarray ? @lines : \@lines;
> }
> # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> __END__
> any suggestions?
> martin
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Jason Stajich
Duke University
jason at cgt.mc.duke.edu

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