[Bioperl-l] 1.2-alpha-1 tar file built

Chris Dagdigian dag@sonsorol.org
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 13:01:19 -0500

We are still having trouble with an upstream router ACL messing up our 
FTP listing commands. People will probably have trouble browsing the FTP 
site, especially those trying it through a web browser.

I'd suggest using HTTP instead of FTP:

We have a URL alias on the bioperl site called /ftp/ that maps to our 
FTP root directory:

Web browser:

wget http://bioperl.org/ftp/birney/bioperl-1.2-alpha-1.tar.gz

Command-line on Mac OS X:
curl -O http://bioperl.org/ftp/birney/bioperl-1.2-alpha-1.tar.gz


Ewan Birney wrote:
> I know that for alot of people checking things out of cvs is one too many 
> speed-bump to learn for testing, so I have built a tar file available at
>   ftp://bioperl.org/pub/birney
> called
>   bioperl-1.2-alpha-1.tar.gz
> If people could pick this up, untar it and then go
>    perl Makefile.PL
> and 
>    make test
> please send results (just the ones the fail) or all pass, OS and perl 
> version (ideally I think to the list to encourage untested archs to try 
> the test)