Bioperl: Re: Bio/Ext/Align on Win32

Ewan Birney
Sun, 14 May 2000 13:18:55 +0000 (GMT)

On Fri, 12 May 2000, George H. Silva wrote:

> Hi,

I can't help George here... don't do windows ;)

Can anyone on the list give him a hand (building compile time extensions
for pesky MS?)

> I tried to make this (ver 0.6) on Win32 and it failed miserably. I can
> fix it to compile to a DLL (two .c files in lib/ needed editing for MS
> compiler plus some compiler switches, etc) but I don't know if this is
> what it is trying to "make". Should it be a LIB to link against? The
> make info seems to be UNIX specific. I'm running Perl 5.005.03 on NT
> with MSVC++6.0. I want this package to run Bio::Tools::pSW. Thanks in
> advance.
> ANY hints would be great - I understand this may be the wrong (informal)
> way to ask for help and I apologize. If you are too busy, could you
> please at least reply as such and I will try to find help elsewhere (I
> couldn't find help on the bioperl site but I may be looking in the wrong
> place :-).
> Thanks,
> George Silva

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