[Biojava-l] Webservices clients in bio-java

Niall Haslam niall at sgenomics.org
Tue May 19 03:36:38 EDT 2009

On Saturday 16 May 2009 21:10, Andreas Prlic wrote:
> Which webservices did you have in mind? Something that got recently
> discussed on biojava-dev is support Blast webservices...

I think BLAST would obviously be one of the main ones to get started with. I 
have a client at the moment which goes as far as fetching the job-id and 
generating a link to the results, which is as much as I need. If I remember 
correctly, the BLAST parser at the moment doesn't deal with the responses 
from the EBI webservices (which I used).

Mark makes a valid point about the choice of technology. I would also 
recommend jax-ws and probably axis2 as the frameworks, but note that some 
clients will probably require axis1_4. Although its not clear which e-mail 
discussion you are referring to - is it one on the biojava-dev mailing list?

A lot of the client code is autogenerated, and I guess one question would be 
should we include this in any repository that we make? I have been using the 
wtp plugin in eclipse and this takes some of the pain out of generating 
clients. Though it does generate some rather large source files.


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